This weekend we had two visitors. Our friends Lael from Washington D.C. and Kara from Gainsville, FL. We knew them both at BYU. In fact they were both present the night we met. (Ahhhh) This weekend was a nice trip down memory lane, and it was nice to catch up with each of them and also hear updates on people we haven't stayed in contact with! Our girls were...themselves and I think that alone was enough to convince both our friends they never wanted children and might be even willing to pass up ever getting married. OK...maybe it wasn't that bad. But I failed to take a single picture. Sorry I am so busy living life I often fail to document least that sounds better than the camera needed new batteries, eh?
Megan continues to entertain us with her amazing wit and intellect. Sunday during church as we were getting ready to take the sacrament. I was quietly talking to her about what we were going to do and why(mostly to hopefully get her to stop talking incessantly in her normal speaking voice...anybody know when kids learn to whisper?) And so I told her we were going to take the water to remind us of Jesus' blood and the bread reminds us of his body. And she replies, "We don't drink blood." She said it fairly loudly two or three times. Oh well, I am sure the sweet sister sitting in front of us was thinking why don't these people get a muzzle for their adorable child. Sigh.
As for my little Madie, she is a sweetie pie. Pretty easy going, sleeping almost through the night and already 17 lbs. She is already wearing clothes that Meg wore when she was crawling. She is a little cuddle bug and so smiley. She coos and babbles a lot, and even tries to sing if there is music on. She got her immunizations last week and was a pretty good sport about the whole thing. Now if we could only get her to take a anyone?
Yesterday we went to a strawberry patch and picked 5 quarts of delicious strawberries. Meg was very excited that we were picking strawberries like on one of her favorite episodes of Dora. I think we will go back Monday and get a few more to freeze or make jam or something equally domestic.
How fun you got to see Lael and Kara. I hope they're doing well. As for the bottle, Drew has refused it since he was tiny, but something that did work then was if the milk was nice and warm... then we could sort of coax him to help us out. Good luck! :)
megan looks like a doll in that pic. she's so beautiful.
Oooooh. I love strawberries. I am jealous that you got to go pick your own fresh strawberries!
Hahah! Don't you know you're not supposed to drink blood?! Hysterical.
Another classic comment by Megan! Are you writing these remarks down in a compilation journal?
I love hearing about your girls. Can't wait to see you in April.
"We don't drink blood." That is a good lesson to learn young, methinks.
when are you coming in May? i want to see you!
(and i would LOVE to come speak/sing in tampa!)
Wow they are growing so fast!! I need to check on your blog WAY more often. :D Hey - what was that dvd program you and Pete told us about back in our Altus days? Did that really help Megan out in her development?
you have a very cute zoo!
I talked with Lael the other day. He mentioned the trip and seeing you guys, and seemed surprised when I said I'd read that on your blog. Lael's response "They have a blog?" I tried to convert him to reader...but I think it's a lost cause. Hope you guys are doing well!
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