Saturday, February 28, 2009

Pete is enjoying his Hawaiian Vacation(or work trip) and I am enjoying my sleepless nights with my two little princesses. Seriously, we are having a grand time, but I could use a about a 36 hour nap. Last night Megan had such a hard night she ended up in bed with me...and I ended up sleeping across the bottom of the bed, without a pillow, because she was turned sideways and I couldn't handle the kicking and she had ALL the pillows. Needless to say when the alarm went off this morning I did not get up to exercise.

Wednesday late afternoon Madie woke up with pink eye, so I took her to the urgent care, because it is almost impossible to get into our Pedi on base the same day or even sometimes within two days(grrrr) and I didn't want to wait. Her eye was pretty swollen. They gave me erythromicin eye ointment and seriously by yesterday it looked 98% better. So far Meg and I are pink eye free...I hope it lasts.

While we were at the urgent care they weighed the little chunky monkey and she weighed 16 lbs 12 oz with her clothes on. I knew she was heavy, but come on...Meg didn't hit 16lbs until she was almost 6 months...and I thought she was a nice chunky girl...Madie is a sumo wrestler in comparison. I just don't understand how she can be gaining like this, and I am eating 1700 (very healthy) calories or less everyday, and I am still not really loosing weight. Oh well. Maybe when I wean her in a couple months, the weight will just fall off! I can hope right?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Time flys...and so does Pete!

Can you say Budda Belly?

The Monkey suit is size 6-12 months. It already fits Madie.
Megan in her Cinderella dress from Delora and Grady!

Saturday, Pete took Megan to her first Daddy Daughter Dinner and Dance. It was hosted on base. I don't know who was more excited Megan or Pete, but they had a good time. Here are pictures of the two of them all dressed up!

Lately we have been having some issues when it is time to pray with Megan...When it is her turn she talks so quietly you can hardly hear her, and when its anyone elses turn she talks loudly through the prayer and so you can't hear them. So the other night she had started to say family prayers..."Heavenly Father...mumble mumble.....grateful....mumble mumble...and so I stopped her and said. Meg, can you say it loud enough so daddy and I can hear. So the next thing you know...HEAVENLY FATHER, WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR THIS DAY...etc...all at the top of her lungs. So yeah...who knew two year olds were such literalists.

Madie has had to move up to size 2 diapers. The 1-2's were just too small. This is one big girl. Last night I put a set of 3-6 month pj's on for the first and last time...just too small for our big little girl. She is a little cuddlebug and I am so glad for that. She is also starting to really coo and it is too cute. Madie has her three month check, with shots on Monday ( we were out of town for the two so we are already behind...swell)

Pete is heading off to Hawaii in the next day or so for a 5-6 day trip. Poor Pete. But he did promise to bring me a box of pinapples...I love fresh pinapple.

And I keep plugging away at my resolutions...progress on all fronts is slow but someone wise once said "Progress is not so much a matter of speed, as it is a matter of direction..." or something like that. So atleast I continue to persevere and I have 8 months left on the get in shape one...plenty of time right?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday we hit the milestone of having been married for 4 years. Its hard to believe its been that long. How did we celebrate you might wonder...we spent all day unpacking, rotating clothes for little girls,(Madie has out grown EVERYTHING) and ended with a family trip to the commissary for groceries. Thanks to my parents baby sitting we were able to go out to lunch without children on the 17th. But before you think we are too lame...Pete just got back into the USA on Sunday...arrived in Missouri to pick us up late Monday night. We flew out on Wednesday...arriving at 7pm that evening. It's been busy!

Pete rarely reads my bloggings, but I just want to say I love you!!! Thanks for 4 fun fast flying years...heres to at least another 46 more!!! I love you enough to do a feat...even Everest!!!