Friday, February 1, 2008

Your baby can read....yes she can!!!

I think I wrote about this some months ago but here is an update. We bought the DVD program called Your Baby Can Read. Our friends, the Garbers started their little boy on it and by the time he was 2 1/2 he could read. So we bought it for Megan and have been watching it pretty faithfully since she was about 7 months old. Yesterday it was on and the word umbrella was on the screen, and before they said it Megan said 'brella, this morning we were watching it and the word ball was up and before they read it out loud she said "Ball" I really think she is learning to read, and I also think that the videos have helped a ton with her vocabulary which is pretty advanced for her age. So here is my plug for the program. If you have any interest get on and check out the video of the inventors 9 month old reading. You can also find them on amazon and ebay for less. Happy reading!!!

We are now home in Detroit. We got blasted with snow last night. I am trying to stay happy despite the yucky white stuff outside!!! I hate the cold, and snow is a symptom of it being cold!!! Yuck. Bbbrrrrrrrrr!!!


Ashlie said...

Wow that's awesome! So it wasn't a fluke after all! stay warm!

dixonfamily said...

That is so amazing! I am so excited for our videos to get here, and even though we will be starting with Tracen a little later than you did with Megan, I am sure that we will see some great things in the next few months! What a neat thing! I am so excited! Glad you got home, but sorry about the snow. I'm with you on it being no fun!

Marie said...

I'm sure you had a good time, and some much needed help/rest/relaxation (a little???) with your family. Sorry going home meant such yucky weather. WOW on the reading video! I'll have to check that out. Maybe they have a potty training one? My little soon-to-be 3 1/2 yr old is not doing very well with it. She wants to do it, and that's a good sign, but the will power to stop what she's doing isn't there...oh well. Hopefully by kindergarten she'll be good to do! Her sister was done by 3!

Binns Family said...

I am going to have to take a look at those videos. Sounds like they are working for Megan. What a wonder child...reads and poops in the potty all before she is 18 mths. We are way behind in our house.

Jake and Rachelle said...

That's so great that she is starting to read and talk so much more. It was so great to see you guys a few weeks ago. Thanks for dinner. That was so nice of you and it was so yummy!

Tim, Crista and Addy said...

That is fantastic! I am soooo looking into those videos. She is so cute, and getting so big! Glad you guys are doing well. We leave Altus March/April...yeah! Take care!

Jayci said...

when we were in Del Rio last week I was at Marie's house and we were talking about little kid schools and I was telling her about this program you told US about. haha - I was trying to promote it and she said, "yea! Aimee just wrote about that on her blog just recently!" That is so cool that it works. Sorry it's all cold and nasty out!