This weekend we had a military function up in Orlando. So we went up a little early and took the girlies to the Disney Animal Kingdom. As we pulled into the parking area, Madie vomited a little. As we pulled into our parking spot, row 24 of the Unicorn section, Madie began to projectile vomit. It was pretty gross. So then we had to decided whether to carry on with our plan or call it quits. (I was ready to call it quits) I was pretty sure it was just motion sickness. I had the pleasure of cleaning vomit out of the car seat and off of Madie, with only wipies available while Pete had to take Megan to find a potty. We changed Madie's clothes and then decided to give it a shot. So off we went on our adventure into the park.
WE had a great time and got some really cute pictures of the girls. Madie was in a very affectionate mood and when we saw Thumper she was in heaven. She hugged him for about 90 seconds, then she hugged Miss Bunny (Thumper's girlfriend) and then gave Thumper another 90 second hug. It was darling.
Megan enjoyed seeing all the animals on the safari ride and even got to ride the river ride and get all wet with Dad. But mostly she loved seeing all the characters.
The rest of our weekend went fine. But Disney was definitely the highlight.